You have just entered Venom Nation...A land where converting people with 'No-Sense' into 'Making Sense'.

Disclaimer: Viewer Discretion is Advised. Please talk to your physician if you are thin skin, a wuss, or lack any kind of **** humor.

Welcome 2 Venom Nation

From the Political Underground
Venom is proud to present: VENOM NATION

Venom Here. So What's up? Obviously you found me. Is that good? Don't know... but what I CAN tell you ...is that YOU'RE ALL WELCOME HERE: Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican....and especially you...you Far-Left vermin (ha ha ha....just kidding).

I'm a U-Blogger (Underground Blogger).
I'm actually pretty nice here (compared to me on the Yahoo Politcal Forum) and here, I don't bite...hard.
But some of you guys love my 'venom' anyway...lol but a topic for another day.

As a result, some of you have been on the receiving end of my pugnacious comments. Take it for what it's worth. You will understand why later. Trust me. You will understand.

What do I do here? I just pick a whole bunch of topics and just talk about them. It is my gift to you...for those who wish to know the mind of the one they call Venom. Trust me,... you will at least understand my mindset.

BUT! Be forewarned...I make a lot of sense...and that might rub off on some of you Venom dissenters LoL.

I will say this much...if you despised me before...you may think twice about later. Like, Jesus Christ, I too work in mysterious ways. There is a method to my madness.

God Bless America...always.

Click on Topics Below separated by ****

**** Michael Vick Vs. Michael Vick **** Reasoning Skills of a 911 Conspiracy Theorist **** Venom's Hillary Prediction ****
Abortion...The A-Word****Michael Moore & Me****Conservation Vs. Capitalism?**** Marion 'Grace' Jones****Peace, Love, and The American Soldier****


Hi Guys...Bill here...your fearless moderator...I had the opportunity to interview the Great Vixen of Ventura, the Queen of Scream, The B**h with no Itch, the Goddess of the political underground..............Anyway,....... If you think you know her...think again. This will lay out terrific insight into the mysterious mind of the one they call Venom. Click Below

Part 1 Part 2

Special Commentary: La Femme V'enom

Enter the Venom

The Best of Venom on Y/A Politics

This is the show case of highlights on Y/A Politics. Y/A Politics is the one the few great forums where anyone can speak their mind. I have highlighted a few...(which are rather toned down versions of me I must say). But Yahoo Politcs is rather fun. It is give and take. I have had the good fortune of giving a lot. If you have been selected as one of my choices...you should be grateful. (Actually names have been removed to protect the innocent..LoL) - Enjoy BOV,

Click Here - Best of Venom
Ways 2 Make Your Life Better

What is it? This is perhaps the best section on this site. It is where good ideas are shared in order for you take control of your life. Everyday, there are thousands of hard lessons learned that should not have to be repeated by others. As an American, I truly believe that we must take our freedoms responsibly and do what we can to make our lives better and effective. The overall philosophy here is that don't expect anyone to take care you. The Best Defense is you on the Offense. If you have any suggestions you like to add go ahead and send them to me. It doesn't matter how dumb you think it is. You would be surprised on how much is out there and we don't think about it. I share this with everyone,...especially the cheap entitlement little ******
Click Here


Hey Guys and Gals,
Venom here. Well this is your opportunity to say anything you want about me. Comments, rants, questions, suggestions, disagreements etc...Don't worry I heard it all. If your worthy...I will reply in kind. Just let it all out. I'm sure I deserve some of it. I can only allow 5 comments daily...hey not my fault....Hey if your comments or rants are savvy...I might even post your them on-line. Who says I'm not fair?

Yahoo! Avatars

Click on the Comments link below to write a comment.
Or....If you guys want to send me an anonymous email (meaning I won't know your personal email address, I'll just know your Yahoo Avatar Name) ...go to my Yahoo Answers Profile. Click Here
You can say anything you want.

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